Here’s The Honest Truth About Baby Carrots

Inside: Heard rumors that baby carrots are soaked in chemicals–or even worse, not even “real carrots”? Here are the facts!

For such a kid-friendly veggie, baby carrots have sure been the target of some nasty online smears.

Rumors about toxic chemicals abound. So do accusations that baby carrots aren’t even “real carrots”.

So what’s truth and what’s fiction? Here are answers to your burning baby carrot questions!

Are baby carrots real carrots?

Yes, baby carrots are carrots. They are not some creepy lab-grown food–or a fusion of leftover carrot scraps.

Technically, baby carrots are carrots that are picked when they’re still small. You might see these sold in stores with the greens tops left on.

Baby-cut carrots are a special variety of carrot that grows long and narrow, and they’re cut by machines into smaller pieces after harvest. The outsides are polished and peeled, and the edges are rounded. They’re washed, bagged, and ready to eat.

They were invented by a farmer who started cutting imperfect, cosmetically-challenged carrots into smaller pieces to avoid wasting them. They were a hit among customers, and carrot consumption has actually doubled since they officially came on the market in the early 1990s.

Today, most of the carrots purchased are baby-cut carrots.

Are baby-cut carrots as nutritious as big carrots?

Yes. Baby-cut carrots have similar nutritional benefits as other carrots.

A 3-ounce serving of baby-cut carrots provides:

  • more than a day’s worth of the vitamin A kids need
  • 2-3 grams of fiber
  • a little bit of iron, potassium, and calcium

They’re also an easy and convenient way for kids to get more vegetables (and most kids aren’t eating enough fruits and veggies).

See visuals of what a day’s worth of fruits and veggies looks like for different age groups.

The same baby carrots before and after a soak in water

What’s the white stuff on baby carrots?

If you see white spots or streaks, that’s not bleach, chlorine, pesticides, or whatever other scary thing people are saying on the internet. It’s dehydration.

Baby-cut carrots are peeled so they’re ready to eat, but that also makes them more prone to drying out. When they lose moisture, they can develop a white, chalky appearance. And it has a name: “carrot blush”. (You may notice that baby-cut carrots have a little bit of water in the bag with them–that’s to help prevent this from happening.)

Have dry, white-streaked carrots? Don’t pitch them. Just soak them in cold water. They’ll rehydrate and look and taste fresh again.

Are baby carrots soaked in chemicals?

Not exactly–and definitely not in the way a lot of people think.

Baby-cut carrots, like other kinds of produce, are washed after harvest in a water solution that contains chlorine to help kill pathogens like E. coli and Salmonella. Then they’re rinsed with water and bagged.

However, the amount of chlorine in the solution is actually similar to the amount of chlorine found in regular tap water that comes out of your faucet—in other words, the water you use to rinse produce at home too.

(And for the record, water is a “chemical” too. Just saying.)

Why do my baby carrots get slimy?

If you’ve reached into an open bag of baby-cut carrots and they’ve felt slippery or slimy, that was caused by too much moisture buildup.

Grimmway Farms actually suggests storing baby-cut carrots in a resealable plastic bag or airtight container after opening. Placing a damp paper towel in the bag or container can help extend the freshness.

Do baby carrots have sugar added to them?

No. All carrots are sweet, but the sugar is naturally occurring, the same kind of natural sugar that makes apples and snap peas sweet.

That’s why you’ll see about 5 grams of sugar on the Nutritional Facts Panel. But if you look at the ingredient list, there’s just one ingredient (carrots!).

Those five grams aren’t added sugar, the kind put in by manufacturers. It’s natural sugar, not something to worry about, and part of what makes baby-cut carrots so appealing to kids. 

Why bother with baby carrots?

Don’t like baby-cut carrots? Think bigger ones taste better? Would rather peel and cut your own? Go for it!

But baby-cut carrots are a great way to enjoy more veggies on car rides, at picnics, in lunchboxes, at the office, in fast food kids’ meals, and in classrooms.

Anything that makes it easier for people to eat fruits and vegetables is a good thing in my book.

Bottom line

Baby-cut carrots are carrots!

If you prefer the taste or texture of regular carrots, by all means buy those.

But if you like the convenience of baby-cut carrots, you’re more likely to pack them in lunchboxes and serve them as snacks, and your kids are more likely to eat them, buy those!

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