I was 13 when I went on my first diet. I had been struggling with my weight for about six years, and my obsession with
Category: Nutrition & Diet

Aging comes with a price: declining hormones, muscle loss, and lower energy levels. DHEA is often marketed as a fix for all of this. Some

CHEAT ON ORDINARY DESSERT WITH QUESTIFIED MINI CHOCOLATE CHIP CAKES. New Year’s Eve is no time for boring. If you want to give 2024 an

Can the aroma of wood essential oils replicate the immune-boosting effects of walking in a forest? Studies on the effects of “forest bathing,” or shinrin-yoku

Welcome to the third part of a four-part series on how to cycle sync to improve menstrual issues (make sure to check out parts one

I’ve been asked many times over the past few years to do a review of the Yuka app. It’s always interesting seeing apps that purport

Have you ever noticed strange, lace-like redness on your skin after using a heating pad or resting your laptop on your legs for too long?

Inside: In case you’re looking for a new read (or a great gift for someone), here are the books I loved this year. This was

Reviewed by Denise Asafu-Adjei, M.D., MPH A few years back, PN co-founder John Berardi, PhD, posted a shirtless photo of himself on his 47th birthday.

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